Greetings from the other side:
THIRTY FOUR years ago I gave up my corporal existence pursuing the love of my life into the afterworld of the Euthanasia Broadcast Network. Recently, I managed to disable the CERBERUS security system at the EBN and am using this opportunity to break my silence and reach out to humanity in a new time of crises. Although the internet did not exist 34 years ago, media sedation and consumption brain washing was accomplished by television. As bad as the water boarding of consciousness was back then, today I am compelled to warn all sentient beings that we face an exponentially greater threat: the new medium of the internet and deployment of disinformation by political and corporate interests represent a grave threat to peaceful interaction among human beings. Eurydice and I want to remind you that no matter what the designers of social media platforms and corporate marketers want you to believe, there is no substitute for the hi-touch experience that feeds the soul. Don’t “friend me”, “like me” or “follow me” or any other virtual crap. Mark Succubus, Executive Director for Hades and the EBN Social Media Department and his minions are not interested in real love, they are interested in pleasing stockholders and the commoditization of the human psyche.
In an effort to overcome the suppression of creative energy and true love, the Grey Zone Gang (Axel, Scratch, Linus, Razoreus, Eurydice and myself) are supporting the 2023 Black Friday release of a Shredder Orpheus Blu-Ray come hell or high water 34 years after its world premiere at the Neptune Theater in Seattle, October 31, 1989!
Since there is a limited amount of time for corporeal existence please SEIZE THE DAY with this Blu-Ray and shred on through to the other side! (available through boomcult.com).
Eternally yours in love, light and rock in roll,
Orpheus Hellenbach
Click the image below and share your comments or questions:The Heartbeat of America
“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” -Buddha How do we fight suppression of the human soul by consumerist propaganda? Scratch says, “Thrash it!” Since “THE RUST NEVER SLEEPS” thrashing everyday is good mental- spiritual hygiene like brushing […]
LIGHT PARTICLES and WAVES into WAVICLES Just like Jim and Tami Baker decades ago, Hades and Persephone are aggressive evangelicals for the Euthanasia Broadcast Network. Masters of hypnotic seduction they sublimate us with the subconscious call to absorb “…the light from the ray…” And we all succumb to somnolence of media immersion. Hope to see […]
The “soothing” ray from a T.V. a computer , smart phone or virtual reality platform is “comforting” because it co-opts our nervous system and penetrates our consciousness with ease. If you ingest too much you don’t have to think anymore- you “give yourself to the ray!” In some ways it functions like an external hard […]
Microwave radiation from television was pervasive 25 years ago. Today we get many times more exposure from the constant use of cell phones and computers. Immunity is compromised and cancer rates soar as our addiction grows. Gee, I wonder why?
Guess I’ll go eat worms
“Guess I’ll go eat worms” My Grandmother used to sing this disgusting song to me. It’s a synical rant celebrating self loathing and an example of early 20th century pop culture poop. I think it scarred me and my generation. Why would you sing this to children? Orpheus
The Solution
If you are not part of the solution, you are the problem!
My best friend Axel
“What is to give light must endure burning” Victor Frankl This quote pretty much describes my best friend Axel. His tirade against suppressive architecture is genuine, even when the rant is only heard by himself. Shapes in space affect the way we feel and behave and Axel always said “I am product of my environment […]